Returns Policy
If for any reason you are not satisfied with your purchase within the first 14 days, simply return it and we will accept your return and process a refund or exchange. Returned items must be unused, unwashed, and undamaged to be eligible for a refund. All shipping costs are paid by the customer unless there is a mistake made on our account. Exchange items shipped back to customer will be paid by Whiskey Mustache. Please allow 2 weeks from the time you return your order for your exchange to be processed.
Please email us at: prior to return. We cannot and will not take responsibility for items returned without being notified first. All returns need a tracking number.
Returns should be sent to the address below:
Whiskey Mustache LLC
8633 S. Oak Valley Dr.
Sandy, Utah 84093
Because of the limited availability of our products, if you are interested in an exchange, we recommend you send an email to us at for confirmation that your exchange item is still available. All vintage and one of a kind items are final sale. No refunds, exchanges, or credit will be given on these items.